Friday, August 04, 2006

Enquirer Guest Columnists Read SWNID, Repeat Analysis

It took a few weeks, but the Enquirer has caught up to our SWNIDly trenchant analysis of Cincinnati's much maligned population loss.

Local development experts Steve Johns and Tom Huenefeld say it's because Cincinnati is not an "elastic city." Unlike its neighbors, it hasn't added contiguous communities to its boundaries.

That means not just a statistical difference but political and economic differences as well. The elastic Indianapolis, Louisville, Lexington and Columbus have a big voice in lobbying state and federal governments and in marketing themselves to businesses.

Remember, you read it here first.

Of course, what would it take for local Ds to give up power in the city, local Rs to give it up in the county, and every elected and appointed official in such tiny communities as Elmwood Place, Deer Park, Crosby Township, or Glendale to do the same so that Hamilton County, Ohio could be come a single, united municipality?

More than even SWNID can imagine.

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