Thursday, January 01, 2009

Encouragement for a New Year's Resolution

If your resolution is to read the New Testament in 2009, here's a video encouragement to do it the proper way:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Five Chapters A Day" for 2009 is now ready for download in two formats:

* Traditional

o (primary)
o (backup)

* Chronological

o (primary)
o (backup)

How about reading the Bible instead of reading about it?
* Download and print this guide on the front and back of a
legal-size (8.5 x 14) sheet of paper and fold it into a
four-fold "brochure" and carry in your Bible.
* Follow it for one year. It will change your life.

Following this program, every day you will:
* Read the chapter of Proverbs that matches the day of
the month (chapter one on the first of the month, chapter
two on the second, etc.)
* Read one chapter from the Gospels
* Read through the rest of the Bible, three chapters a day

As a result, you will:
* Read through Proverbs twelve times a year
* Read through the Gospels about four times a year
* Read through the rest of the Bible once a year

A Few Thoughts:
* If five chapters a day seems overwhelming, start with ten
for a few weeks, then, five won't seem like much.
* This is time with God through His written word.
* This is time to let God touch our heart and your nature.
* This is "burning bush" time.
* It is time to let God use His word to work on your "SON-tan."
* Keep something nearby to write and take notes. You will have
distracting thoughts that you need to jot down and get back
to what God is doing. You will also need to write down what
you receive from God.
* This isn't study time. If you don't quite understand something,
don't worry. You'll be back next year.