Wednesday, June 07, 2006

So Much Good News on 6/6/6

Yesterday's political developments were so positive for the Republican party, mostly detailed here by the AP, that one wonders whether Karl Rove really is the antichrist.

So here's how 666 = GOP:
  • The Republican prevailed in the election to replace felon Duke Cunningham in California's 50th Congressional district. The AP says that he won "narrowly." But the margin with 90% of precincts reporting was 5%, hardly narrow by most electoral measures. This race, in our SWNIDish judgment, demonstrates that the Ds will be unable to capitalize on "Republican corruption" and midterm dissatisfaction with Bush as long as they have nothing but weak candidates and a base that is only motivated by a message that alienates the center of the electorate. Ds are left claiming again, as they did with Paul Hackett's loss to Jean Schmidt, that losing by less than usual is an important development. Such is their miserable plight.
  • Meanwhile, in Alabama, Republican incumbent governor Bob Riley clobbered Judge Roy Moore, famous for his 10 Commandments World Tour. This proves that even in the Deep South, voters know the difference between a real conservative and an opportunist who tries to pimp religion. As always, we are happy to note our prediction of Moore's failure.
  • Meanwhile, in New Jersey, Rs have chosen a candidate with the potential to steal a seat in the Senate from the Ds.
  • Meanwhile, in Iowa, the Rs have chosen a candidate with the potential to win the governor's mansion from the Ds.
  • Meanwhile, it appears that RINO Snarlin' Arlen Specter has reached an accord with the Bush White House not to hold a pointless series of Senate hearings (i.e. media show trial with disturbing potential to reveal necessarily classified information) on NSA domestic surveillance in exchange for Bush's support of legislation setting up court oversight of the program. As this move is completed, the Ds will lose yet another issue for November. And, we hasten to add modestly, the Congress will finally have listened to our sage advice on this subject.

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