Thursday, July 13, 2006

Grim Example of Matthew 10:17-42

We pass along something of importance that we received in an email:

The minister of the Price Hill Guatemalan church (Iglesia Nazeret) Santos Vasquez and his daughter Sandra were involved in a car wreck that left them both in intensive care. Both have some bleeding on the brain. Santos is responsive and can converse somewhat. Sandra is unresponsive at this point. Santos was shot in the abdomen last summer during a mugging, and beat over the head with a crowbar the summer before in a racial attack. Please pray for the healing of Santos and Sandra, and for strength and faithfulness for his family and congregation during this long season of suffering.


Anonymous said...

Since the SWNIDS are on vacation, I thought I would pass along the following update:

AS OF SATURDAY, July 15, 2005:

Santos should be heading home today. His arm is still not moving but he is up and eating. They wheeled him yesterday to visit Sandra.

Sandra's bleeding from her brain has also stopped. She is in a lot of pain and still in SICU. Her arm doesn't seem to be as bad as they told me. It didn't even get a cast. I had a good visit with them last night.

Thanks for all of your prayers. The Lord seems to be strengthening them!

Anonymous said...

Since the SWNIDS are on vacation, I thought I would pass along the following update:

AS OF SATURDAY, July 15, 2005:

Santos should be heading home today. His arm is still not moving but he is up and eating. They wheeled him yesterday to visit Sandra.

Sandra's bleeding from her brain has also stopped. She is in a lot of pain and still in SICU. Her arm doesn't seem to be as bad as they told me. It didn't even get a cast. I had a good visit with them last night.

Thanks for all of your prayers. The Lord seems to be strengthening them!