Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Is McCain in Catbird Seat?

We break blogging silence to draw attention to Gallup's latest finding, which warms the cold, hard SWNIDish heart.

If Obama is nominated, 28% of Democrats who support Hillary say that they'll vote for McCain.

If the unlikely happens and Hillary is nominated, 19% of Obama supporters say that they'll vote for McCain.

Either way, if this pattern holds, it will be way, way hard for either Democrat to cobble together a majority in the Electoral College. Such demographics could put blue states in play in a way that will deplete campaign coffers and threaten down-ticket candidates.

We will sleep well tonight.


Christian said...

This seems like the beginnings of a political "Perfect Storm."

Christian said...

Although, I suppose if you really wanted the analogy to stick, the beginnings of the perfect storm would have been Obama and Hillary doing so well with their campaigns and the hint of possibility of the two running together. That would make this the next step... Something akin to the gathering of clouds?

Anonymous said...

It's a little early for head to head polling. I know Republicans get behind their man early and stick with him, but independents, shooh...

Unknown said...

i've resolve to say 'catbird seat' more often.


Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

Our favorite James Thurber short story, even better than the outrageously famous "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" in the SWNIDish view, is entitled "The Catbird Seat." We smile just thinking about it.

David H. Willis said...

One of McCain's problems is that he's relatively weak in many "red states" and they may be in play more than ever.