Saturday, February 07, 2009

Steyn Stimulates Contempt for Comtemptible Stimulus

Of all the pieces decrying the miserable porkfest of a stimulus bill that with the President's blessing is now in a conference committee, we like Mark Steyn's best.

From the article, here's a taste of Steyn's characterization of Obama:

Jesus took a handful of loaves and two fish and fed 5,000 people. Barack wants to take a trillion pieces of pork and feed it to a handful of Democratic Party interest groups. Jesus picked twelve disciples. Barack seems to have gone more for one of those "Dirty Dozen" caper-movie lineups, where the mission is so perilous and so audacious that only the scuzziest lowlifes recruited from every waterfront dive have any chance of pulling it off. The ends justify the mean SOBs: "Indispensable Tim" Geithner, wanted in 12 jurisdictions for claiming his kid's summer camp as a business expense, is the only guy with the savvy to crack the code of the U.S. economy. Tom "Home, James!" Daschle is the ruthless backseat driver who can figure out how to steer the rusting gurney of U.S. health care through the corridors of power

And on the stimulus bill:

Appearing on "The Rush Limbaugh Show" last week, I got a little muddled over two adjoining newspaper clippings - one on the stimulus, the other on those octuplets in California - and for a brief moment the two stories converged. Everyone's hammering that mom - she's divorced, unemployed, living in a small house with parents who have a million bucks' worth of debt, and she's already got six kids. So she has in vitro fertilization to have eight more. But isn't that exactly what the Feds have done? Last fall, they gave birth to $850 billion of bailout they couldn't afford and didn't have enough time to keep an eye on, and now, four months later, they're going to do it all over again, but this time they want trillionuplets. Barney and Nancy represent the in vitro fertilization of the federal budget. And it's the taxpayers who'll get stuck with the diapers.

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