Monday, December 04, 2006

Quinnipiac: Breck Girl in 2008

Our opinion of John Edwards as a political irrelevancy may have to change. Peter Brown of the august Quinnipiac University Polling Institute today notes that the youthful, earnest and undistinguished former trial lawyer is (a) from the South; and (b) less likeable than Obama but just as likeable as Hillary but with fewer negatives.

So if Obama melts down and Hillary runs true to form, Edwards might have the privilege of losing to Giuliani or McCain, both of whom trounce all Ds in likeability as well as other categories in all polling.

John Edwards: A Walter Mondale for Our Time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thought you would like this one if you haven't laready heard it:

Jesus and his disciples were walking around one day, when Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9." The disciples
looked very puzzled, and one of them finally asked Peter, "What on earth does Jesus mean - the Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9? Peter said, "Don't worry. It's just another one of his parabolas."