Thursday, December 07, 2006

SWNID Prophecy Fulfilled: Liberal Talk Dies on Cincinnati Airwaves

We thank gentle reader Scott for the heads-up that ClearChannel is taking Cincinnati's liberal talk radio off life support.

Reasons cited are Jerry Springer's departure for the proverbial "other oppportunities" and content-provider Air America's bankruptcy.

The corporation will use the 1360 frequency for consumer-oriented talk (home improvement, gardening) and some self-help chatter like Dr. Laura.

N.B. that despite the Enquirer's spin that liberal talk is a tough sell in a "red state," the truth is different. First, Ohio is a purple state. Second, Cincinnati proper is predominantly Democrat, and while the county and region may be a Republican stronghold, there are a lot of liberals in any major metro. Third, this format is dying everywhere, as the alleged "cause" of its demise in Cincinnati--Air America's failure--so aptly illustrates.

Liberal talk radio is almost uniformly humorless, bitter, angry, mean and repetitive--remarkably like the worst conservative talk radio (cf. Bill Cunningham). We don't think that any entertainment medium can survive for long on that set of characteristics.


Anonymous said...

ever heard of Don Rickles?

Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

Difference between Rickles and liberal talk radio: Rickles was funny.

Anonymous said...

...said the bitter and rude college dean.

Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

Who is also funny, or at least he thinks as much.