Monday, July 21, 2008

The Purpose-Driven Presidential Campaign

Both Obama and McCain will appear at the Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion at Saddleback Church on August 16.

Rick Warren will ask questions of each for an hour, with McCain (age over beauty? no, winner of a coin toss) going first.

What does SWNID think about this?
  • We commend Warren for managing this in a nonpartisan way. It makes us continue to think that he's a closet Campbellite.
  • We think the one-at-a-time format is likely more enlightening than the so-called debates that preoccupy campaigns as decisive events.
  • We don't know whether this will have any salutary effect on the public image of evangelical Christians or not, but it has to be better than something managed by the usual suspects (Rev. Robertson, Dr. Dobson, the late Rev. Falwell).
  • But at times all the churchy political hullabaloo makes us tire of politics altogether. Yes, even us, the perpetually opinionated political blogger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rick Warren is one of the "usual suspects" you mention.

I doubt this event will have much substance.