Friday, December 19, 2008

You'd Think It Had Been Scripted by the Gideons

We thank gentle reader Justin for directing us to a monologue from famous atheist Penn Jillette.

We wonder what the world would be like if the only encounters people had with Christians were positive, honest encounters. Our theory is that most folk who express disdain for Christianity (as opposed to indifference or evasiveness) are overcome by experiences with bad manifestations of it. Our reading of the Parable of the Sower tells us not to expect universal conversion, but our experience tells us that dysfunctional, goofed-up versions of the faith tend to block one's view of authentic Christ-following.


Anonymous said...

Rationalizations always involve flawed thinking. Usually rationalizations are due to emotional leanings, our inner sinfulness. While I would never want to minimize hypocrisy or justify it, we each choose the path we want.

My path to relationship with God and his people is hampered not so much by the presence of hypocrisy or Christianity lite, but by my own desire to justify my decision.

Anonymous said...

This clip should be shown in every church in America. His take on "proselytizing" is dead on. Amazing how an atheist can have more profound things to say on purpose than Saddleback.