Wednesday, May 06, 2009

This Man Will Run GM

The new CEO of Gettelfinger Motors, UAW President Ron Gettelfinger, writes today for the Detroit News. His points seem to be twofold: unions are the strength, not the weakness, of the Detroit automakers, and healthcare and pensions should be the responsibility of the government, not of corporations or even the individual.

We point out this otherwise unremarkable statement of a union chieftan simply because the government proposed/imposed GM un-bankruptcy will give 50% ownership of the company to Uncle Sugar and 39% to the UAW, effectively putting Gettelfinger and fellow inmates in charge of the asylum. We think voters should understand that Mr. Gettelfinger's deep insights into the incentives necessary to operate a productive economy will now drive what was once the largest corporation in the world.


Anonymous said...

My advice - buy a toyota. This is so insane its just laughable.

Rob said...

You omitted and "i" in the fourth word of the title.

Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

Right, Rob, except we should also change "will" to "has." But then we'd need to include GM's management plus Congress and several Presidential administrations.