Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Saving Grace in the War on Terror

Fox News reports that a key al Qaida figure has blown himself up "messing with a bomb." This comes after the various comical failures of plots to destroy airliners, Manhattan tourists and such.

Say what you will about the competency (previous administration) or focus (present administration) of government to fight terrorism, what protects the public best from terrorism is the unshakable truth that terrorists is stupid.


BrianBop said...

Is that an intentional number mismatch? For the sake of irony? Surely it is.

Guy named Courtney said...

The stories I could tell of bad people blowing themselves up...

Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

BrianBop: intentional solecism plus a reference to Cars.