Monday, May 22, 2006

Rumor True: Football at KCU

SWNID can confirm what had heretofore been a rumor circulated by highly reliable sources:

Kentucky Christian University is starting an intercollegiate football program.

Details are available here from KCU and here from the press.

The primary justification for the move seems to be that parallel to larger trends in higher education, KCU has experienced a decline in male enrollment. Football is seen as a means to stem that decline.

With others in Christian higher education SWNID will watch closely this experiment on the part of a sister institution and wish our colleagues at KCU all the best with the pigskin.


Unknown said...

I also hear they were planning on adding raves with cage dancers. Oh no, that's the Church of England (see JAS for amusing related story), but maybe some day. I can't wait until CCU starts a football squad, that way we can have even more students who don't really want to be here in the first place and perhaps we can house house them in the former faculty offices of President's Hall and the Crouch building. Such potential to be found in adding more intercollegiate sports... but oh yes, I too wish KCU, cough, all of the best, cough.

steve-o said...

Bad thinking, here. My thoughts on why it's a bad idea.