Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Finally, The White House Says What the MSM Won't

Since the Vietnam War, the MSM has been constitutionally forbidden to publish positive news about any American military activity. Since Watergate, the MSM has been constitutionally forbidden to publish anything positive about a Republican administration.

So this Republican administration has decided to do its own news reporting ... finally. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer (clearly the most unintentionally funny name for a newspaper in the United States) offers an executive summary of the White House's 35-page document defining objectives and noting accomplishments in Iraq.

This is a must-read, as in gentle readers must read this before the pundits start blathering about it.

Do note that the White House reads SWNID: as we have noted many times, and as the White House now states explicitly, the only way that the United States can lose this war is by quitting.

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