Tuesday, November 07, 2006

CBS Makes Valiant Attempt to Fix Exit Polls

Upon exiting the polls at our local, Roman-Catholic-Church-accommodated precinct in our leafy, city neighborhood, Mrs. SWNID was asked to participate in a CBS exit poll. And her experience suggests that the folks with the Eye on America are trying to avert their eyes for better polling.

In 2004, the word was that exit pollsters were predominantly female grad students, and the people whom they polled, proving that Samoans aren't the only ones who tell Margaret Mead what she wants to hear, tended to tell the pollster falsely that they voted for St. John Kerry of Beacon Hill.

This exit pollster is described as "a dad in a ballcap" who handed the lovely and gracious Mrs. SWNID a machine where she could record her preference secretly. Sounds pretty innocuous. Of course, the pollster could be a female grad student in disguise.

Still, word is that the exit polls will be jealously guarded in a room to which only two people have access (two in case one dies?) and in which there is no electronic access to the outside world at all.


Anonymous said...

It's disgraceful that a Christian College would attempt to fix the polls. I can't believe the temerity. =;-)

Oh wait, wrong CBS.

Anonymous said...

It's looking like a long night for both of you.....

Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

SWNID retired about an hour after our usual bedtime, just as the AP called the House for the Ds.

We slept well.

We awoke at our usual time and learned from NPR that as in 2000, Missouri turned when St. Louis County came in. We bid our Republican Senate a wistful adieu.

So it's not the night that was long. It will be the next two years.