Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rudy Says It: I Beat Ds in Blue States

Conservatives for whom a Giuliani candidacy represents at least one of the Seven Seals should consider what the candidate himself said yesterday (and what SWNID has said prior to that): he has the ability to carry states with lots of electoral votes that have been taken for granted by the Ds in several electoral cycles.

As students of recent elections know, both parties operate with close tolerances in the electoral college. Each has a number of "safe" states; neither set of safe states constitutes a majority. They therefore slug it out in "battleground" states (Florida and Ohio come to mind).

But Rudy steals a number of states that Ds have to have, including NY, CT, PA and maybe even CA. That yields a big "so what" to the prospect of conservatives staying home in SC or AL (like they'll sit on their hands and let the Hildabeast be inaugurated in a pantsuit). The Ds don't have an equation that leads to victory if they lose their base, and they don't have any candidate who can steal a red state.

We remain insistent that America's Mayor soon must demonstrate the ability to run a disciplined campaign. Others, namely Mr. Romney, show the potential to campaign well from the center right that can forge a working majority. So this franchise is not his exclusively, though it remains his most strongly. And in these troubled times when our uninformed electorate seems to be tired of Republican realism and longing for the fast times of a Democrat administration, the electability of any candidate of the center right is paramount.


Nick Ulrich said...

In an unrelated matter, what is SWNID's opinion on the (+) (-)grading scale that the institution uses. I'm a little bitter because of the effect that said system has had on my GPA.

Unknown said...

NTE, back off. You don't want to miff the Architect. His feelings on the grading scale? Ha! He IS the grading scale.