Thursday, September 13, 2007

We give our profound thanks to the student who pointed us to, a small but significant compendium of brilliant satire aimed at the foibles of the contemporary American middle-class church.

We won't even begin to characterize what these guys are doing, except to say that they make us feel jealous and inferior as a satirist.

Check out their videos here. And don't miss the product offering of animatronic Wally the Worship Leader.

Urgent Update and Disclaimer: As our editorial board reminded us, TheChurchYouKnow includes humor that is scatological (not eschatological, and we hope you know the difference) and sophomoric (apologies to you sophomores). Our enthusiasm for the humor should not be taken as an endorsement of the good taste and discretion evinced by every joke, though our own judgment on the subject is obviously flawed enough that we rely on our editorial board for advice on such matters.

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