Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Our Man Again Overtakes That Woman

The latest Rasmussen poll, only about a week old, shows Rudy ahead of Hillary by 2%, well within the margin of error but the first lead any R has had over Mommie Dearest in months.

Here's a comforting line:

But, the current results suggest a return to the longer trend-line established for this race.


Matt Coulter said...
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Matt Coulter said...

Not that social networking can be regarded as a polling system, but it is interesting that among all of the "One Million Strong" group/campaigns on the Facebook servers, the leading group is Stop Hillary Clinton with 521,548 members to date. While the Hillary Clinton for President group only has 7,879 members.

Surprisingly (to me) the One Million Strong for Barack group is at 382,042. The next largest number for a Pro-campaign is Mitt Romney with 15,582.

Obviously the internet is full of younger voters and those who cannot even vote yet but at least there is hope for tomorrow that this generation can smell a rat like the Clinton family.

P. S. There is a Rudy for Pres group... 89 members...