Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Go to Church with Obama

We tip the SWNIDish hat to, of all people, Christopher Hitchens for point us to the web site of Barak Obama's church. Trinity United Church of Christ, in Chicago's resurgent South Side, claims 8000 members and lists a whole bunch of ministries. Remarkably for a UCC congregation, we note that they have essentially nothing to say on homosexual matters.

Hitchens finds the whole Trinity UCC experience disgustingly plebian. How twee! And what church membership would the militant atheist find more suitable?

We draw no conclusions, positive or negative, from Obama's membership with this church. But they do have a nice web site.


Anonymous said...

Concering the homosexual issues, it's been my experience that most of the African American UCC churches are theologically conservative, at least for UCC standards. Tehy would be closes to CCU theolgoy than Harvard Divinity. BTW Jeremiah Wright is one of the best preachers I have ever heard.

Anonymous said...

Obama supposedly held up legislation in Ill. that would have protected those infants that survived abortion. Leaving infants to die after the first attempt to murder them failed doesn't sound very Christian to me.