Friday, January 25, 2008

Krauthammer Shares SWNIDish Contempt for Despicable Edwards

For those who wonder why we vent particular bile on John "Breck Girl" Edwards, the impeccable Charles Krauthammer explains today.

We quote:

This is not politics for him. "This fight is deeply personal to me. I've been engaged in it my whole life."

Except for his years as senator, the only public office he's ever held. The audacity of the all-my-life trope is staggering. By his own endlessly self-confessed record, his current pose is a coat of paint newly acquired. His claim that it is an expression of his inner soul is a farce.

We particularly appreciate Sir Charles's nearly appropriate quotation of Jesus at the end of his dismantling of the un-esteemed trial lawyer.

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