Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu Redux

With economic recession, recriminations about American military actions, an increasingly obtuse and sanctimonious White House, prognostications of environmental catastrophe, and plans to spend tax money on non-carbon energy, it's all been feeling to us like the 1970s all over again. And for those who actually lived in the 70s, that's not a good feeling.

And now we have the swine flu, a throwback to 1976, when dear old Jerry Ford ordered every American immunized after a private at Fort Dix died of the disease.

It all makes us want to drive a Ford Pinto to Riverfront Stadium to watch the Big Red Machine, sporting some tartan, polyester slacks, with K.C. and the Sunshine Band providing the soundtrack.


christine said...

1976, those were the days! How I long for those simpler times.

I think swine flu will probably be a lot like so many other scares recently. Well, we need somthing to take our minds off things like the ecomomy.

Raymond said...

"...with K.C. and the Sunshine Band providing the soundtrack." - Or, for some of us, BS&T.

Bobby Warren said...

Check out this video of scientists from OSU's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center working with and discussing swine flu: