Friday, October 13, 2006

For This Effect, We Can't Pick the Cause

We've been waiting to see whether the buzz would grow about the revelation that Senate Minority Leader and aspiring Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accidentally misreported or deliberately hid a major real estate deal in Vegas.

It hasn't. But the Foley scandal still has legs.

Why? Here are the possibilities:
  • Sex is more interesting than real estate.
  • Democrats are expected to be dishonest, so Reid's story isn't news; whereas Republicans are expected to be moral, so the Foley scandal is news.
  • The MSM desperately wants a Democrat Congress, or at least a competitive election.
We just can't decide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The second flower should be modified: Democrats don't claim to have any personal morals. Repubilcans do. So it's no surprise when Democrats are amoral. It's pure hypocrisy when Republicans are amoral.