Friday, October 27, 2006

VA Senate Now Clearly in R Column

Additional developments in the ongoing narrative of nasty campaigning lead us to assert firmly that the Virginia Senate seat will be won by Republican (and political klutz) George Allen.

A well known web source providing links to hot news stories and columns and publishing insider perspectives on scandal (i.e. gossip) today has posted excerpts from former Navy Secretary and Democratic candidate for Senate from Virginia Jim Webb's potboiler military novels. The excerpts are, to put it mildly, disturbingly pornographic. And we're not being prudish. They are mysogynistic, dehumanizing, brutal, brutish, bizarre. And without artistic merit, in our opinion both in the aesthetic (this is cliched writing at its worst) and legal (Potter Stewart would recognize this for what it is) senses.

That's why we're not supplying a link or even naming the web site. This stuff is awful. If you search it out yourself, you'll wish you hadn't. We wish we hadn't today checked the page that we check most every day.

As for Allen's famous "Macaca" remark, it doesn't just fade in comparison. It disappears without a trace, totally covered from view by this much less ambiguously scandalous revelation of the heart of Allen's opponent.

What's most amazing is that this stuff has been out there in public, in books that people presumably read. Apparently no one in the MSM has bothered heretofore to see what this Webb was really all about, or they knew and didn't care. It obviously took a Republican operative to point out the Webb has made significant money portraying humans as objects of cruel self-gratification. So much for the press doing its so-called job.

We doubt that even the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia who read such dreck will be able to vote for Webb without some misgivings now. Who wants a pornographer representing their state in the United States Senate?

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