Monday, June 12, 2006

SWNID Letter in Enquirer

The Enquirer has published our letter protesting its rush to judgment on Mayor Mallory's sensible recommendation of a single candidate for city manager. We cannot supply a link, as the paper's web site doesn't seem to display the same letters as those in its print edition.

But that's just as well. Our local morning paper asks for letters of less than 100 words. We submitted 97, which were in turn reduced to about 85. Fortunately, the substance of our argument was retained, as was the integrity of our grammar. Lost was a bit of rhetorical decoration (attention Enquirer editors: parallelism is an effective, time-honored device). But gentle readers of this blog have already read our bloviation on this issue, verbiage and all. The letter was simply seeking a wider public for our, ahem, wisdom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For any of SWNID'S gentle readers who are interested, his letter to the editor is now available in the online edition of the Cincinnati Enquirer.