Friday, June 16, 2006

Wait Long Enough and Michael Barone Will Do SWNID's Work

We haven't blogged much lately, owing to the relaxed rhythm's of the early summer, a surprising flurry of professionally required activity, and most recently by our sojourning with our parents and partaking of their more leisurely, retired pace of life.

But as it turns out, Michael Barone has written what we would have written, namely, a summary of all the good-for-conservatives, bad-for-liberals news of the last several days.

Barone notes that the left has been pining for a reprise of Vietnam in Iraq and Watergate in Plamegate. Now the worst has happened for both: we've had yet another signal victory in Iraq, and Evil Genius Karl Rove is officially not a target of indictment.

We have little to add, except that these developments continue to reinforce that the Ds will need more than bad times and complaints to change the balance of government in November. The recent conclave of "progressives" in Washington, where Hillary was roundly booed for her position on Iraq and John Kerry was widely characterized as a "moderate," plus the congressional debates on Iraq policy that have revealed the Ds' utter lack of an alternative strategy except to quit and go home, have underlined all the more the likelihood that the Rs will prevail on all fronts.

But we also add this: an answer to Barone's closing rhetorical question:

The pursuit of Karl Rove by the left and the press has been just the latest episode in the attempted criminalization of political differences. Is there any hope that it might turn out to be the last?

Answer: No. They have nothing else to do.

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