Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Angry Left Is Starting to Notice, But Trying Not To

SWNID is not the only one to notice that military progress in Iraq is getting noticed. So is the Angry Left. And they're getting angry about it.*

And, with characteristic overestimation of our own significance, we have to wonder whether this blog has had an influence in such matters.


The Angry Leftist blog "Think Progress" yesterday posted a long, angry piece in response to the timely and important Gray Lady op-ed by O'Hanlon and Pollack of the Brookings Institute suggesting that the surge is working. The posting consists mostly of accusing the authors of being closet conservatives. In sum, because they once thought that the war might be a good idea, their views are forever to be dismissed without further consideration. When facts interfere with one's opinions, retreat to ad hominem attacks and poisoned-well fallacies seems the common stratagem.**

What inspires us to new heights of egotism, however, is the post's title, "Always Wrong, Never in Doubt." The author uses this term to describe Messrs. O'Hanlon and Pollack, of course. But we suspect that he got the idea lurking around this humble blog.

Meanwhile, in the House of Representatives, Congresswoman Nancy Boyda deliberately left a committee hearing in which retired General Jack Keane gave evidence of military progress in Iraq. The Honorable Ms. Boyda apparently couldn't endure testimony that contradicts what everyone already knows to be immutably true.

We are left with the image of the three iconic monkeys who cover eyes, ears and mouth to represent their eschewing of evil. However, these monkeys of the Angry Left are different. The first two cover eyes and ears, but the third cup her hands around her widely opened mouth to amplify her apish yells. The motto: "See no facts, hear no facts, scream ideology."
*Question for reflection: why are so many who say they hate war so violently angry about it?

**The Angry Left condemns Bush for the Bush Doctrine that those who do not join us in our struggle against terrorism are thereby judged friends of terrorists and enemies of the United States. For the Angry Left, those who have even once supported any policy of Bush are forever friends of the Evil Bush and thus forever enemies of the Angry Left.

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