Friday, August 31, 2007

SWNID on Hypocrites Good, Goldberg Better

Q: Why does SWNID share opinions for free while others get paid for theirs?

A: Others are better than SWNID.

One such is Jonah Goldberg. We were good on the hypocrisy of politicians. Goldberg, by comparison, rocks.

Read his whole thing, but here is a sample:

One solution to the hypocrisy epidemic, of course, is to have no morals at all. You can’t violate your principles if you don’t have any. Another solution: simply define down your principles until they are conveniently consistent with your preferred lifestyle. My own perfect moral code would mandate a strict regimen of not enough exercise, too much scotch and a diet rich in cured meats. Men would be religiously barred from taking out the garbage until their wives told them no less than three times to do so. “Thou Shalt Not Shave More Than Thrice Monthly”: I’d never be a hypocrite if only the Bible gave us commandments like that.

But the Left has another solution. Under its system, you can still be a moralizer. You can still tell people what to do and how to live. And, best of all, you can still fall short of your ideals personally while guiltlessly trying to use government to impose your moral vision on others. All you have to do is become a liberal moralizer.

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