Friday, May 30, 2008

Promises, Promises!

NY Post gossipist Liz Smith reports that Susan Sarandon, who as far as SWNID knows is either an actress or a shaper of public opinion, has vowed to move to Canada or Italy if John McCain is elected.

If only . . .

We add that we question the judgment of a person who sees moving to Canada or Italy as equivalent.

We double add that Ms. Sarandon is perhaps not aware that Italy recently elected a conservative government, led by Silvio Berlusconi, whose outrageousness as a conservative outstrips anything ever found on a Republican Party national ticket.

Perhaps Ms. Sarandon should merely drive off a cliff this coming November.


Matt Coulter said...

I really like Tim Robbins as an actor from Shawshank to Erik the Viking. But his commitment to the Sarandon party has been his worst performance ever. I imagine that whenever the two of them are together all they do is start ripping on baseball, apple pie, Norman Rockwell, and "Happy Days". They probably keep a stack of flags by their fireplace... I'm just saying...

What I really do not get is McCain has more to offer the other parties than any Republican candidate ever has. I'm not calling him a liberal, I'm just saying the picture he paints looks more liberal than that of our previous Republican presidents.

Unknown said...

Proof positive that while it is their absolute favorite thing to call Repblicans, lefties have NO idea what the heck an actual fascist is.

I get let down by these celebrity exodus threats all the time . . . and global warming, shouldn't it have taken care of California by now?

Anonymous said...

Come on, you guys are giving her too much credit. She probably was thinking, "I don't remember whether McCain's running for president of Canada or Italy, but whichever it is, I'm moving there if he wins. After all, we Democrats have to stick together."

--JB in CA