Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful for a New Political Era

All real Americans should assume their preferred postures of thanksgiving that the old era of divisive partisanship has been replaced by the new era of peace, love, siblinghood and green energy.

Nothing illustrates this better than the fact that leftfully-elected Senator Al Franken insists that the ballot pictured here ought to be challenged as a vote for Norm Coleman and taken as a vote for Al Franken.


Anonymous said...

Well, it was challenged as a vote for Coleman. The article never stated that it was taken by the challengers as a vote for Franken. But given their remarkable powers of observation, it's only natural to draw that conclusion.

CDW said...

Great comment from the news story: That's my vote. I tried to write-in Prince.

Anonymous said...

Calus: Is that the same guy as the artist formerly known as Prince?

I think it would be nice for Minnesota to have both Franken and Prince as senators and to bring back Jesse Ventura as Governor. What could be better than having three celebrities running the show? It already seems as though Hollywood's in charge of our politics.