Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just Where You'd Least Expect It: "Born That Way" Doesn't Cut It

Before today, we would've nominated Mother Jones as one of the top five places where we'd least expect to find a serious journalistic piece challenging the orthodoxy that gays are born that way.

Which is reason alone to recommend Gary Greenberg's "Gay By Choice: The Science of Sexual Identity."

The article is worthwhile for multiple reasons, really: as a summary of the history of thought on homosexuality, as a review of the present state of the research on the origins and causes of the same, as a thoughtful report on people who dissent practically from the established position that the only thing for people to do who experience same-sex attraction is to accept and embrace it as of their essence, as a challenge to dogmas of all kinds on the issue.

We won't even try to summarize, except to say that Greenberg shows that with people, things are not as simple as we try to make them. And if folks who debate the politics of this were simply as thoughtful as Greenberg, the discussion would certainly be more edifying to all.


JB in CA said...

Before today, we would've nominated Mother Jones as one of the top five places where we'd least expect to find a serious journalistic piece challenging the orthodoxy that gays are born that way.

Yeah, I remember reading an article on abortion in Mother Jones a few years ago and was truly taken by surprise. My first thought was what is a well reasoned article on abortion (of all things) doing in an issue of Mother Jones? The second was what is an issue of Mother Jones doing in the doctor's office?

Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

And the third is, do I want to be treated by a doctor who puts Mother Jones in the waiting room?

JB in CA said...

Exactly! But I didn't think about that until too late. As a typical liberal, he ended up operating on my wallet.

(Actually, I think someone else left the magazine there. It looked out of place.)

Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

Like Jehovah's Witnesses leaving Watchtower, not doubt.