Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Music That Makes SWNID Dance

SWNID was born, as we like to say, without a groove thing. But the music video linked here by the helpful folks at Powerline, the Right Brothers performing their one and only hit, the partisan celebration "Bush Was Right," sends us into a frenzy of head-banging, theo-conservative dancing every time we replay it, which has been often.

We give the band special recognition for its use of a playground taunt as a guitar hook.

Gentle readers will no doubt be glad that they can view the video but not our reaction to it.


Anonymous said...

As previously stated to SWNID in the Holy Lands, just once, this gentle reader would absolutely love to witness the SWNIDy-One shakin' his proverbial groove thang. I can hear the beats now!!

Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

D, be careful what you ask for. As the SWNID offspring say, "Dad, when you try to dance, it looks like you're making fun of dancing."