Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Feingold: Always Wrong, Never in Doubt

We believe that Russ Feingold (D-Fantasyland) must read this blog in order to know what not to believe. Never was a politician more wrong than he in co-sponsoring with the always-good-for-a-laugh John McCain the ignoble campaign finance legislation that did more to impinge on constitutional rights than anything done in response to global terrorism and less to reform campaigns and their financing than anything since the decline of the Federalist Party.

And as if to top that debacle, now the distinguished Senator has objected to the use of the term, most recently affirmed in this blog, "Islamic fascists." Says the Potentate of Wisconsin:

We must avoid using misleading and offensive terms that link Islam with those who subvert this great religion or who distort its teachings to justify terrorist activities.

Um, excuse us, Senator, but the point of the term is to distinguish the really dangerous Muslims from the undangerous ones. We aren't fighting all Islam, just the folks who use it to impose their totalitarian will on others by means of death and concomitant mayhem. Hence, we distinguish the subset from the larger set to which it belongs. Get it?

We urge the good citizens of Wisconsin to remove from their heads the styrofoam cheese wedges with which they adorn themselves in this season so that they can hear clearly the utter nonsense that issues from the mouth of a man for whom they continue to vote.

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