Monday, September 18, 2006

Path to 9/11 Writer Speaks, But No One Listens

The Path to 9/11 appears to have been yet another ABC TV current-events dramatization about which the media huffed and puffed but which few actually watched.* Therefore, its legacy will depend more on the media buzz about its alleged unfairness to St. William of Dogpatch than its actual contents.

As one of the millions who found Manning v. Manning more interesting that September Sunday evening, I am therefore glad to read on OpinionJournal the testimony of the movie's writer, Cyrus Nowrasteh, who offers compelling complaint that his own life and actions, not Clinton's, are the ones that have been misrepresented.

We tease gentle readers with a quotation:

"The Path to 9/11" was set in the time before the event, and in a world in which no party had the political will to act. The principals did not know then what we know now. It is also indisputable that Bill Clinton entered office a month before the first attack on the World Trade Center. Eight years then went by, replete with terrorist assaults on Americans and American interests overseas. George W. Bush was in office eight months before 9/11. Those who actually watched the entire miniseries know that he was given no special treatment.

And so the question now is really not whether the movie unfairly blamed Clinton (like there's anything bad that hasn't already been said about him). It is whether the American electorate has the political will to vote for continuing action against Islamist terror.

*Fellow middle-aged Americans will remember The Day After as probably the first of this genre.

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