Monday, August 22, 2005

"God Is Cool," and So Are SWNID's Friends

USA Today (a.k.a. "McNewspaper") has a predictably shallow piece about marketing in the church.

What SWNID finds notable is the number of Friends of SWNID mentioned in the piece. Two, to be exact: (a) fellow denizen of First South, bass singer in Come Alive and member of the Glorious Class of 1981 Rick Ruble; (b) fellow student in the primary department of the Traders Point Christian Church Sunday School Phil Kenneson.

I recall Kurt Vonnegut making the remark that one day you wake up and realize that the world is being run by people with whom you went to high school. It is a disturbing thought indeed that people in the same stage of life as SWNID make decisions that actually affect others' lives.

CLARIFICATION: SWNID's friends are not shallow; the writing by the USA Today staff is shallow. And it is perfectly appropriate that SWNID's friends have their considerable responsibilities, as they are highly capable people. It's just that none of us homo sapiens is really all that capable. Got it?

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