Sunday, August 21, 2005

Political Expert Agrees with SWNID

Check out the Washington Post's summary of Michael Barone's introduction to his all-important Almanac of American Politics.

Certain gentle readers will recall SWNID's post-presidential-election email statement that the best part of the election coverage was watching Barone crunch and interpret numbers as they became available.

Now he's had a chance to digest the whole mess of statistics. And the news is good for Rs and bad for Ds. Barone shows little by way of demographics to support the hope of a Democrat recovery in the near future.

So Barone, who has facts and expertise, agrees with SWNID, which has only attitude.

And for those who suspect Republican bias, I point out that the Washington Post is bowing to this analysis. Remember Woodward and Bernstein?

So it seems we are in for a period of single-party rule, with all of its attendant problems. At least it's the party I like. I just hope that I still them ten years from now.

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