Thursday, September 15, 2005

Another Helping of Last Word on Katrina Blame

Alert, devoted and gentle reader "Raymond," whom everyone loves, urges one more round of blaming on Katrina, pointing to Michael Kinsley's piece in the LA Times. SWNID agrees that Kinsley deserves the SWNID spotlight. So, hat tip to Raymond!

Why flood ourselves with Katrina yet again? First, because Kinsley is an ace liberal, but he's saying what we've heretofore only heard from the right wing. To wit:
  • When everything is declared a crisis, nothing gets the attention it really needs.
  • When no one knows which disaster is going to happen next, it's impossible to know which to prepare for most.

So it's great to hear a giant of the left say that government can't do everything because life is just hard sometimes.

Second, we link to Mr. Kinsley because he can actually write, even though he works for the fetid LA Times and is syndicated in the unread Cincinnati Post.

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