Thursday, September 22, 2005

US Gets Somewhere with PRK, EU Gets Nowhere with Iran

So in the containment of nuclear proliferation, Europe has lectured the United States about the importance of engagement, diplomacy, international cooperation, and men in blue helmets. So the US said, Fine. You go deal with Iran. We'll deal with North Korea. You try softly-softly, we'll try speaking softly and carrying a big stick. So the EU takes Iran to the UN, and the US sets up independent, regional talks with the PRK, with lots of starting and stopping.

So as of today, who's got a deal on the table?

Not the EU. Their principled engagement via the UN has yielded to roadblocks from the folks most likely to sell Iran its nukes: Russia and China.

Meanwhile, the vilified Bush administration and Rice State Department are close to a deal with the Boy Named Kim. The PRK will give up all its weapons (in the immortal words of Evil Roy Slade, "I've . . . got . . . no . . . weapons!"), and the other partners in the talks will give the Northeners oil and food and used VHS tapes and that 386 computer in the basement and such.

Of course, some will rightly object that a deal with metaphorical-illegitimate-child Kim is no deal. Bush, echoing an earlier President whose skills in arms negotiations were misunderestimated, has insisted that the deal will be closed when the means of verification is secured.

But look who's got a deal.

And what's worst for the EU is that they can no longer even make money by selling bad stuff to Iran. They've ceded that business to the Russians and the Chinese. Pity!

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