Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dionne Reads Barone, Agrees with SWNID

Washington Post liberal political columnist and PBS talking head E. J. Dionne has seen the light.

First, he read the sacred political text, Michael Barone's Almanac of American Politics and learned that Ds must defend 41 house seats in districts carried by Bush in 2004, while Rs must defend only 18 Kerry districts.

Then, he read SWNID. Or maybe he just looked around. Anyway, he realized that the Ds have no message and no national figure of any stature defined by means other than ambition. The Rs may be having a bit of trouble governing in these trying times, but the Ds are having trouble finding any coherent response at all.

If Dionne says it, it's officially obvious. Our republic is sliding toward single-party rule thanks to the inability of the opposition party to do anything right politically. The right has the ideas, the issues, the candidates, the track record, and the political skill. The left has the two-generactions-old legacy of FDR and money from Hollywood, George Soros and MoveOn.org. That means endless financing of a dead platform.

Until the left moves right or the right splits in two, we will have no real choice in the voting booth. And if the conservatives are right about the dangers of entrusting too much power in one group of people, that's dangerous.

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