Tuesday, October 11, 2005

SWNID Recommends Booker Prize Loser

The Booker Prize, Britain's biggest literary award, has been given to John Banville's The Sea.

SWNID recommends that gentle readers gently read a Booker Prize loser, Kazuro Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go. We have no dispute with the prize committee, because this is the only nominated book that we've read. But we think it needs to be read by more folks.

NLMG is an impressive exercise in human imagination that draws the reader into close consideration of exactly what it is to be human. Set in a Britain exactly like today's but with one significant social difference, it puts in stark relief how a person shapes meaning in a situation bereft of it. This is not dark science-fiction but poignant social-fiction.

What would life be like without family, without a future? What is a society like without God? NLMG shows us that we can't live that way, even if we are forced to.

Read it, gentle readers.

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