Thursday, May 25, 2006

Another Boomerang for the Culture of Corruption

Byron York offers sage advice to Ds who want to run on the ruling majority's corruption and return to the WH in 08: don't nominate Hillary.

Why? Is Hillary corrupt?

No, it's Bill.

You don't mean to say that Bill is corrupt? Not that again!

Well, no, not exactly. He's just really, really busy as a speaker, fundraiser, consultant and such. All that's perfectly appropriate for an ex-president. After all, he can't return to office to return favors.

But what if his wife's in office? Hmm.

We doubt that such advice will be heeded by the party of Grover Cleveland. But it's good advice nonetheless.


Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

My heart is aflutter! I did a good job! Mommy, Fiona like me!

Seriously, if we have to say everything out loud, we'll just have to quit blogging. A wink and a smirk are supposed to suffice. Everything can't be explained at once.

The art of interpretation is valid inference. We're happy for all gentle readers to infer wisely.

Anonymous said...

Fiona , "That don't make no sense." (Pete, "O Brother, Where Art Thou?")