Monday, May 08, 2006

Steyn on Darfur: Only Powerful Nation-States Can Help

Mark Steyn is more than devastating on the constant feckless ineptitude of the United Nations to solve problems that the non-genocide that is killing tens of thousands of people in Darfur. Steyn once again reminds us of Baroness Thatcher's great insight: only nation-states have the power to command people's loyalty to do the very difficult, very dangerous tasks of protecting the innocent from the ruthless.

And these days, that seems to mean relying on the industrialized English-speaking countries, as Steyn notes.

And so a sample quotation from the Global Content Provider:

At some point, the Left has to decide whether it stands for anything other than self-congratulatory passivity and the fetishisation of a failed and corrupt transnationalism.

We wish we could write like that.

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